Our Projects

Bio Body Cleanse program is designed to assess for and remove unwanted toxins from the body, due to the effects of the Pandemic and it’s associated organ damage. This includes testing/cleansing the Blood and  Brain for unbalanced chemicals and those that might be causing depression,  and removal of Toxins and Bacteria and Liver/Kidney Cleanse.

BioChemical Profile program provides you with a body assessment for Biochemicals (Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and  Nucleic Acids) , Minerals, Nutrients, re-balancing your immune system, improving digestion and metabolism, as well as reducing inflammation that causes disease.

BioVoice Analysis progam total body assessment for ailments that maybe Current or long term issues. This program is a Total Body rebalance to allow the body to  restore istself to a state of homeostasis as far as possible. We also address specific health issues. If you are unsure, feel free to contact us before choosing your package. This program includes 2 Before and After Voice Evaluations.

BioBody Cleanse

38 Per Cleanse

  • Liver/Kidney Cleanse
  • Brain - PTSD- Depression
  • Corona Cleanse
  • Nervous System Checkup
  • Toxin/Bacteria Cleanse
  • Blood Detox

BioChemical Profile

58 Per Profile

  • Immune Booster
  • Nutrition- Vitamins
  • Inflammation
  • Digestion
  • Metabolism

BioVoice Analysis

78 Per 1 Analsyes + 1 FREE

  • Specific Health Disorders
  • Ultimate Diet -Weight Loss
  • Thyroid - Hormones
  • Prostate - Menopause
  • Muscles - Pain
  • Long Term Health Issues


Prices are based on the depth of analysis you require us to do. Keep in mind that when submitting your voice files for analysis, you understand the returned information is for research purposes only. BioAcoustic Health & Biology Research does not claim to heal, treat, diagnose, or cure anyone.  We strictly do research to facilitate your body in rebalancing and possibly returning to a state of greater health and well-being through its own effort.

The information is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied. You must not rely on the information as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information on our website or provided to you from the results of your voice files. By Clicking on the ‘Join Us’ Button you are agreeing to our Terms & Privacy Policy.